It is my passion and purpose to educate the public on how to use essential oils as they were intended and safely to improve the health and wellness of individuals. Essential oils offer many benefits in improving overall health and wellness. Essential oils are extracted from plants to give you the concentrated properties of that plant. The same protective properties that are extracted from the plants can help protect human cells as well.
How Can Essential Oils Be Used?
1. Topically
Essential oils were first practiced topically by the English. Essential oils can be applied topically to the skin. When applied to the bottom of the feet, these potent oils reach the blood stream within thirty seconds. When I was first becoming familiar with essential oils I was a huge skeptic of putting oils on my feet. I tried it and found that within ten minutes I tasted that very oil in my mouth. I was shocked! Essential oils have such tiny molecules that they pass through the cells in the human body. When applying essential oils topically, some may need to be diluted by a carrier oil, like Coconut oil, Almond oil, Olive oil and Grapeseed Oil. I personally use fractionated Coconut oil because it is great for the skin and absorbs rapidly without any oily residue.
Some essentials oils may cause a skin irritation depending on how sensitive the user is. "Hot Oils" should always be diluted. They can be very stimulating and irritating on the skin alone. Some examples of "Hot Oils' are: Clove, Lemongrass, Oregano, Peppermint, Ginger, Cardamon, etc. I personally have never had a negative reaction to essential oils. I apply many oils without dilution because I do not have sensitive skin and do not feel the need to dilute. I do however dilute the oils that I apply to my thyroid because they are strong and "Hot". Essential oils can be applied to the bottom of the feet, the forehead, back of the neck, abdomen and reflexology points. Also be careful when applying citrus essential oils on the skin because they can cause photo sensitivity. As an Esthetician I recommend wearing sunscreen always, especially if you are using citrus essential oils.
2. Aromatically
The Germans mainly used essential oils for aromatherapy purposes. Diffusing or smelling essential oils can have a profound affect on brain chemistry and emotions. The University of Maryland Medical Center states, "The 'smell' receptors in your nose communicate with parts of your brain
(the amygdala and hippocampus) that serve as storehouses for emotions
and memories. When you breathe in essential oil molecules, some
researchers believe they stimulate these parts of your brain and
influence physical, emotional, and mental health. For example,
scientists believe lavender stimulates the activity of brain cells in
the amygdala similar to the way some sedative medications work (". A few ways one can practice aromatherapy is by using a diffuser or applying one drop on your palm and inhaling. For improving sleep, I love diffusing Lavender or a Relaxation blend near my bedside.
3. Internally
There is a debate on the safety of using essential oils internally. The French were actually the first to practice ingesting essential oils in the 1950's, so it is nothing new. The fear of using essential oils internally comes from the lack of knowledge and education. There are specific regulations that should be heeded when using essential oils internally. ALWAYS follow the manufacturers instructions. If the oil bottle doesn't give directions for ingestion, then you shouldn't ingest the oil. One example of an essential oil that should never be ingested is Wintergreen. Applied topically it can be very helpful. There are many 100% pure essential oils that are safe to take internally provided that they are not in large quantities and you are not allergic to the plant.
Moderation is key in all things. Common sense also goes a long way. NEVER leave your essential oils where a child could reach them. If they downed an entire bottle, that would be cause for concern. But when oils are taken 1-2 drops at a time they are counted a safe. Essential oils are also included on the FDA's Generally Recognized As Safe (GRAS) guidelines. Essential oils can be taken internally many different ways. They can be dripped into a capsule, added to cooking and used to enhance the taste of water. One drop of Lemon oil when used in water helps to purify the water as well as detox the human body of petrochemicals. The first rule is always follow manufacturer instructions. The second is do not ingest anything you are allergic to. The third is to use common sense. You will know if your body doesn't like something. I can only speak for the research I have seen and my own testimony. I take essential oils internally daily. I use one drop of Wild Orange essential oil in my water because it instantly lifts my mood and strengthens my immune system. I ingest more oils when I am sick because I have noticed that it stops my cold from getting worse and I recover much quicker. I will usually add Oregano oil and a Protective Blend to a capsule and ingest three times a day until I see the symptoms begin to subside.
Not all essential oils are equal and not all are safe for ingestion. I would NEVER ingest cheap essential oils or one's found at health food stores. The company you use needs to be thoroughly researched to make sure the essential oils are 100% pure. That means that they have no synthetics, no fillers, no chemicals, no toxins, no ineffective compounds, just pure essential oils extracted from the plant. With that being said, pure essential oils should also be tested by a third party multiple times in order to ensure there no toxins or chemicals. Climate and the soil used to grow the plants also affect the quality of essential oils. Have your oils undergone Gas Chromatography and Mass Spectrometry Scanners? There are many factors in choosing a company to buy your essential oils from. Do your research.
Essential oils have become more common place in our society. Hospitals are beginning to use them because they affect the mood of the patients and staff. More and more health professionals are implementing them into their personal lives and practices.
"As long as they are from a reputable source and tested, I am all for it. I use a blend of essential oils for pain topically but I have found when I ingest it I get a stronger response. Topically usually requires me to take 1/2 Norco as well. If I ingest every 4-6 hours I can get away with only taking 1 Norco a day 1/2 the time. DoTERRA essential oils have changed my life. I am all for medical science. I was taking 13-15 RX medications a day after 3 back surgeries and 16 days in the hospital last year...Thanks to my essential oils I am down to 1 medication a day...even my doctors are pleased with my progress."
- Jillian Thornton, Certified Medical Assistant, 15 years of practice in the medical field
"Not all essential oils are consumable, however those that are created to be used as supplements provide high concentrations of molecular compounds that provide benefits through their own unique molecular compound structures. In simplified terms the essential oils created for food. An example of an oil that is not called essential oil that is made from a plant that we consume is olive oil, and is widely known universally for it's health benefits."
- Roma Nall, Dr. Roma J. Nall, DC, BS in Human Biology, Licensed in Radiology and in Dental.
Previous SSGT in USAF Medical/Dental Corp
Check out the Youtube Link below to see how hospitals are using essential oils to benefit their patients
Helpful Resources:
Aromatherapy Usage
Topical Use
Internal Use
The German Commission E has approved specific essential oils for internal use:
See what Dr. Hill, Cheif Medical Officer, has to say about taking essential oils internally:
GRAS Guidelines
Generally Recognised As Safe (GRAS) Essential Oils
Aromatherapy | University of Maryland Medical Center
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These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA, and this
information is for educational purposes only and not intended to
diagnose, treat, or cure any disease.
Do essential oils really work?
This brand of them does. I have used others before that I didn't feel did anything. If you use an essential oil and notice no benefit then I doubt that it's pure. I guess that's why I'm so passionate about doTERRA because I use them all the time